I can 't bel ieve 2015 is almost over! At the b eginning of the year I wrote down 9 goals I wanted to achieve, so here 's a quick review of how I've done this year . Get a better job ✓ This was one of the main goals I really wanted to achieve in 2015 . I am so happy I did i t ! Continue my Russian studies ✗ I d idn't realise how ha ving a full time job would leave me with so little time to do anything else. I haven't had the chance to continue my studies at college but I have been trying to learn more on my own. Spend more time with my friends and family ✓ I spent such a great week in Estonia with my family and also had the chance to ca t ch up with some old friends. Tristan and I also ke pt in conta ct with both sides of our famil ies and talked with the m almost every day . Eat healthy ✓ ✗ I 've been eating quite health ily throughout the year and have made improvements but I know I can do better. Get fit ✓ ✗ I 've...