Get a better job ✓ This was one of the main goals I really wanted to achieve in 2015. I am so happy I did it!
Continue my Russian studies ✗ I didn't realise how having a full time job would leave me with so little time to do anything else. I haven't had the chance to continue my studies at college but I have been trying to learn more on my own.
Spend more time with my friends and family ✓ I spent such a great week in Estonia with my family and also had the chance to catch up with some old friends. Tristan and I also kept in contact with both sides of our families and talked with them almost every day.
Eat healthy ✓ ✗ I've been eating quite healthily throughout the year and have made improvements but I know I can do better.
Get fit ✓ ✗ I've been exercising as often as I can but have also noticed that with the days getting shorter I have lost my motivation. I joined a gym this Autumn and am trying my hardest to find the time to work out.
Take a trip to America ✗ I didn't manage to visit America but I still had the chance to travel to a few new places in 2015.
Save money ✓ I've done much better than I thought I would. Tristan and I have made a couple of plans for the future and I am excited to start saving money properly!
Be more organised and productive ✓ Keeping a diary, making lists and having a calendar have made my life so much more organised. Every Sunday or Monday I am planning my week and writing down little tasks. I never thought that having a notebook would help me to become more productive.
Blog more ✓ ✗ Sadly, I haven't been blogging as much I would have liked. I've been working more on the appearance of my blog lately and after some help from Tristan it looks much more professional!

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