August has been my healthiest month so far. I've put together some pictures below of my favourite meals and what I like to eat.
I am not a morning person and making breakfast is my least favourite thing to do. I can survive the day without eating in the morning but for the last couple of weeks I have changed my eating habits and have been having breakfast every day. I am feeling a lot more active and less sleepy during the day. The thing I noticed the most is that I don't feel the need to go to the vending machine at work during the day. Before lunch I constantly went to buy a packet of crisps or chocolate but now I am much more confident in avoiding the temptation.
On weekdays I usually have granola with some fruit and vanilla yogurt. It is so filling and gives me a nice sugar boost for the day.
I love making potato pancakes and potato muffins. I've already posted this month about them here.
This is a Chinese inspired meal - salt and pepper chips with chilli beef and vegetables.
And if I have a craving for sugar I go for Halva. It is very sweet which is why I don't have it too often.
I am not a morning person and making breakfast is my least favourite thing to do. I can survive the day without eating in the morning but for the last couple of weeks I have changed my eating habits and have been having breakfast every day. I am feeling a lot more active and less sleepy during the day. The thing I noticed the most is that I don't feel the need to go to the vending machine at work during the day. Before lunch I constantly went to buy a packet of crisps or chocolate but now I am much more confident in avoiding the temptation.
On weekdays I usually have granola with some fruit and vanilla yogurt. It is so filling and gives me a nice sugar boost for the day.

Whenever I am bored of granola and want something different, I boil duck eggs and have them with my favourite bread (at the moment) - date and walnut bread from Morrisons. Morrisons have a great selection of bread in their bakery section. It is also a good alternative for rye bread.

I remember about a year and half ago my diet was very unhealthy. I had a large container of pasta with cheese and sausages or sandwiches (white bread, ham, cheese). It does not sound so unhealthy at first but my quantities were large and I can imagine how many bad fats/carbohydrates my one meal contained. Now for lunch I usually have leftovers from the previous day's dinner or I make something especially for work.
I love making potato pancakes and potato muffins. I've already posted this month about them here.

On top of potato pancakes I like to make a sundried tomato and black olive mix. I first tried Sundried Tomato Tapenade at Jamie Oliver's restaurant in Manchester. It was so good that I just had to make my own recipe excluding the anchovies. Not that I don't like anchovies, but I think this spread is already tasty enough without them.

Here are a few dinners Tristan has made me. I love his cooking and as I am quite strict with my diet, it is nice to treat myself sometimes.
Crumbed Turkey Burger is my favourite. It is quite an easy recipe but takes a while to prepare. It is served with bread, cheese, salad and barbeque sauce.
This is a Chinese inspired meal - salt and pepper chips with chilli beef and vegetables.

I love fruits - apples, strawberries, grapes, bananas... anything really.

And if I have a craving for sugar I go for Halva. It is very sweet which is why I don't have it too often.

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