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Showing posts from April, 2018

Third trimester // Pregnancy tag

I know I am very late with my third trimester post but I really wanted to end my trimester updates before I write anything else about the baby. I thought it would be a bit more interesting to do this in a question/answer format, as most of these questions were on my mind a lot when I was in the last stages of my pregnancy. 1. How many months pregnant were you when the baby was born? I was 39 weeks + 5 days pregnant when Saskia was born. 2. Is this your first? Do you want more kids? Yes, this is my first. I would definitely like to have more kids. I only have one sibling and Tristan has five younger brothers - I love the idea Saskia growing up in a big family. 3. Did you wait three months to tell? To friends yes, but I told my parents the same day I found out I was pregnant. 4. How did your family react to the news? My parents were very happy for us. My mum started crying when I told her, happy tears of course. 5. Did you find out the sex of the baby? Yes, Tristan and I want...