A few days have passed since Estonia celebrated Independence Day on the 24th February. It is a big day for Estonians. All day there are different programs on television and people celebrating, while Estonian celebrities attend the Presidential Ball. This last one is very exciting for me of course, because I like to see what they wear. I am going to start with my favourite, Mai Palling . This is an absolutely beautiful dress by Estonian fashion designer Riina Põldroos from Embassy of Fashion . Embassy of Fashion Atelier is a brand created by three renowned and award-winning Estonian fashion designers. Aldo Järvsoo, Riina Põldroos and Ketlin Bachmann. This romantic red dress was also presented in Tallinn Fashion Week, Fall 2013. Another dress by Riina Põldroos that caught my eye was worn by Kairi Sester . This light yellow colour with red flower flame pattern is lovely and it makes her look so youthful. Another very talented fashion designer from Embassy of Fashion ...